Very fun game! The lack of acceleration in a platformer is something that I haven't seen in a long time, and I liked seeing the level design that resulted from that!
Really charming game! The only thing I would tweak is the spring detection a tiny bit as a few times it looked like I hit the spring but nothing happened.
I died a bunch messing around but this is a pretty upbeat, simple, and satisfying game. I can't wait to see more :D
Very good game here man! Only thing I'd like to mention is that the springs don't feel great, this could be due to the fact the player doesn't go down with the spring upon landing on it. On the other hand the boomy-ness it adds to the springs is matched well with with the screen shake! Overall, very neat game you got here! :]
The game is fun and simple, but I do wish for a bit more challenge. It would also be cool if there were flowers you could pollinate. Anyways, good game, love the music.
I liked your game! It is very charming and from my perspective an excellent first attempt, you've demonstrated an ability to create good game mechanics. I feel that to flesh this out you should have multiple mechanics in the same level. There were elements of this with the keys being re-used and the balloon-spring-disappearing jump block level, but many mechanics were used for their chunk of levels and not again.
Got a rank 'A' 7:30 min. Great little game, had fun playing it! found it easy for the most part. Feel they could be a hardcore mode or something like that. The little mechanics that you added were really cool. Especially the block disappearing as you jump.
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Very enjoyable experience!
Question: Is that a custom font? , and if not, could you tell me the name
Very fun game! The lack of acceleration in a platformer is something that I haven't seen in a long time, and I liked seeing the level design that resulted from that!
I died a bunch messing around but this is a pretty upbeat, simple, and satisfying game. I can't wait to see more :D
Very good game here man! Only thing I'd like to mention is that the springs don't feel great, this could be due to the fact the player doesn't go down with the spring upon landing on it. On the other hand the boomy-ness it adds to the springs is matched well with with the screen shake! Overall, very neat game you got here! :]
Great Game! My current highscore above.
Nice game! Thanks for sharing!
Nice game! Stats are here:
Coins: 150
Deaths: 9
Time: 6:15
Rank: A
The game is fun and simple, but I do wish for a bit more challenge. It would also be cool if there were flowers you could pollinate. Anyways, good game, love the music.
I liked your game! It is very charming and from my perspective an excellent first attempt, you've demonstrated an ability to create good game mechanics. I feel that to flesh this out you should have multiple mechanics in the same level. There were elements of this with the keys being re-used and the balloon-spring-disappearing jump block level, but many mechanics were used for their chunk of levels and not again.
Got a rank 'A' 7:30 min. Great little game, had fun playing it! found it easy for the most part. Feel they could be a hardcore mode or something like that. The little mechanics that you added were really cool. Especially the block disappearing as you jump.
I love your game! Could I ask you a few questions about it?
If you could email me that would be awesome! I think that would be easier than using this lol
If you're okay with that my email is
very fun and looks great!
nice game !